Sensitive teeth can be, at best, a discomfort, and, at worst, a painful, stabbing pain. The ache of chronic sensitive teeth can make you feel desperate, wondering how you can make the pain go away (and when you’ll be able to eat ice cream again). So what do you about your sensitive teeth?
Don’t make assumptions about your sensitive teeth.
When your teeth hurt when you eat acidic, sweet, cold or hot foods, the natural assumption is that its sensitive teeth—and you have to deal with it. Don’t jump to conclusions. There can be a number of underlying reasons for your sudden sensitive teeth, such as a damaged tooth, loss of tooth enamel or receding gums. Teeth grinders beware: this common condition could be the cause of your sensitive teeth. These conditions require dental care, so don’t just assume that your problem is sensitive teeth and you have to tolerate the condition. Visit your dentist to get any serious conditions treated (or to stop their progression) or to verify that you don’t have any of an underlying dental condition that’s causing your discomfort.
Be more selective about your toothpaste and toothbrush.
For sensitive teeth sufferers, there is hope: soft-bristled toothbrushes can help alleviate your pain. Don’t brush too hard, and do circular strokes when brushing. Look for specialized toothpastes when you go shopping. Don’t expect immediate results from your new toothpaste; it can take 2-4 weeks to feel the effects of sensitivity toothpaste. In addition, you may have to try several different kinds of sensitivity toothpastes to see what works for you. To narrow down your options, ask your dentist at your next appointment for recommendations and samples of sensitivity toothpastes.
Avoid the causes of your sensitive teeth.
Obviously, you can’t avoid a cool breeze if that’s the cause of your sensitive teeth, but you can avoid acidic foods, extremely sweet foods, very hot or cold foods—whatever prompts the pain. To find out what the recurring cause of your sensitive teeth is, pay close attention to your diet. Keep a food journal if needed, and mark down when you feel the pain of sensitive teeth.
Seek out fluoride.
Fluoridated products can help alleviate the symptoms of your sensitive teeth because fluoride strengthens the enamel of your teeth. Ask your dentist about fluoridated products that can help with your sensitive teeth, such as mouth rinses and toothpastes.
Schedule an appointment with your dentist.
There are a lot of reasons to consult with your dentist about your sensitive teeth, many of which we’ve mentioned here. Your dentist can evaluate the health of your teeth and ensure that you don’t have any underlying conditions that could be causing your sensitivity. What are you waiting for? Make an appointment with your dentist today, so you get treatment recommendations from your dentist so you’re not stuck dealing with the pain of sensitive teeth.